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Prayers for All Occasions Book - Palm Sunday Prayer - Palm Crosses
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Palm Sunday Prayer - Palm Crosses
by SPCK - Ian Black
Palm Sunday Prayer – palm crosses With shouts of joy and jubilation you entered your city, Lord Christ. With shouts of anger and hatred you carried your cross to your death. With a cry you breathed your last... Taken from Prayers for All Occasions by Ian Black
Revelation for Everyone - A Little Scroll
Revelation for Everyone - A Little Scroll
by SPCK - N T Wright
A Little Scroll Revelation 10.1-11 One of the most famous baseball umpires of all time, Bill Klem, earned his reputation by insisting that the umpire’s word was not only final, but in a sense creative. On one celebrated occasion, he waited a long time to call a particular pitch.
Hebrews for Everyone - God's One and Only Son
Hebrews for Everyone - God's One and Only Son
by SPCK - N T Wright
God’s One and Only Son HEBREWS 1.1-5 I had an email this morning from an old friend in another part of the world. He had heard that my daughter was getting married, and in congratulating me he brought me up to date on the progress of his own daughter. Now in her teens, she was we
2 Corinthians - Paul's Companions Are on Their Way
2 Corinthians - Paul's Companions Are on Their Way
by SPCK - N T Wright
Paul’s Companions Are on Their Way 2 CORINTHIANS 8.16-24 The smart white van pulled up outside the college one afternoon, and two men got out. Three or four students were in the common room, watching television. The men, wearing white coats like technicians, walked into the colle
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - The Calming of the Storm
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - The Calming of the Storm
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Calming of the Storm Matthew 8.23-27 The sea has always been a symbol of wild, untamable power. You only have to stand beside the ocean, even on a calm day, to sense something of it. There is so much of it, for a start; when the tide comes in, up a beach, imagine how many gal
John for Everyone part 2 - The Hour Has Come
John for Everyone part 2 - The Hour Has Come
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Hour Has Come John 12.27-36 As I was walking into my study to begin working on this passage, I was alarmed to hear three loud explosions from the other side of the street. We live close to some important national buildings, and there is always a danger that terrorists will so
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Healing of the Two Blind Men
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - The Healing of the Two Blind Men
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Healing of the Two Blind Men Matthew 20.29-34 He came to see me early in the morning. He was a bit nervous at telling a clergyman how he was feeling, but he was determined to do it anyway. He told me he hadn’t been able to sleep too well the last few nights. He had a sense th
Numbers and Deuteronomy for Everyone - Beautiful Tents, Jacob
Numbers and Deuteronomy for Everyone - Beautiful Tents, Jacob
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Beautiful Tents, Jacob NUMBERS 23: 25 24: 25 As a boy I sang in a cathedral choir. One of my favorite anthems was “How Goodly Are Thy Tents, O Jacob,” composed by a Victorian composer called Sir Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley, a professor of music at Oxford, a prolific composer
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - Jesus Arrested
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - Jesus Arrested
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus is Arrested Matthew 26.47-56 A radio station telephoned me, and before I knew what was happening I found myself talking, live, to a large and invisible audience. A leading Muslim writer in Britain had been urging the Government to tighten up the blasphemy laws – the laws th
John for Everyone part 2 - Jesus and Thomas
John for Everyone part 2 - Jesus and Thomas
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus and Thomas John 20.24-31 Out of my window I can see a clock. A large and famous clock, on a great public building. It’s lit up at night, and you can see it from many parts of the city. As I write this, it has just struck the hour. Consider the journey that the clock makes f
Hebrews for Everyone - Jesus as the Truly Human Being
Hebrews for Everyone - Jesus as the Truly Human Being
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus as the Truly Human Being HEBREWS 2.5-9 One of the most dramatic stories in the Old Testament concerns the royal succession. King David was very old, and everybody knew he couldn’t last much longer. He had a great many sons and daughters. One of his sons, Adonijah, got toget
Luke for Everyone - Jesus Heals a Blind Beggar
Luke for Everyone - Jesus Heals a Blind Beggar
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus Heals a Blind Beggar Luke 18.31-43 Sometimes when you listen to a fine piece of music you discover that the composer is leading you into greater and greater tension, until something inside you is longing for it to be resolved into a final great chord or tune. One strand of
Revelation for Everyone - The Letter to Thyatira
Revelation for Everyone - The Letter to Thyatira
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Letter to Thyatira Revelation 2.18-29 Some cities are known by their industrial products. The city near where I grew up, Newcastle in the north-east of England, was famous for two hundred years as one of the chief suppliers of coal to the country, and to many places abroad. T
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Proper 24 Year C